.tw/.Registered Domain Name Unit:One Thousand
Source: TWNIC (2023/07)
IP Address and ASN Stats Unit:Ten Thousand, /32, 1
The statistics of IPv4 address assigned were gathered till the end of July, 2023. Total IPv4 addresses assigned in Taiwan is 35,700 thousand.
The use rate of IPv6 adresses in Taiwan is 56.26 %, ranked number 13 in the world.
Until the end of July 2023, the number of ASN issued in Taiwan is 448.
Source:TWNIC (2023/07)
IPv6 Percentage in Taiwan Unit:%
The use rate of IPv6 adresses in Taiwan is 56.26 %, ranked number 13 in the world.
Source: TWNIC (2023/08)
Commercial Internet Companies ISP IPv6 User Rate
Commercial Internet Provider or ISPs that provide IPv6 could be devided into moblie service providers and broadband service providers, while moblie service shares more internet use. Inside mobile internet service, ChungHwa Telecom CHT Mobile has the highest use rate, FETNet is ranked 2nd, the third is Taiwan Mobile. Within broadband service providers, CHT Fixed Network has the highest use rate, APOL, TFN and Seednet has similar market share.
ChungHwa Telecom(Mobile Internet Service)
FarEastone(Mobile Internet Service)
Taiwan Mobile(Mobile Internet Service)
APOL(Mobile Internet Service)
T STAR(Mobile Internet Service)
ChungHwa Telecom(Broadband Internet)
Taiwan Fixed Network(Broadband Internet)
APOL(Broadband Internet)
Source: TWNIC (2023/08)
Taiwan RPKI Establishing Status
Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is a framework based on public key infrastructure that is used to protect Internet routing infrastructure. Using RPKI, legal holders of number resources can master Internet routing protocols to prevent route hijacking and other attacks.
Number of IPv4 Class C
Total: 204,470
Number of IPv6 /64
Total: 10,445,246,890,084
Source:TWNIC (2023/08)
Statistics of Enterprises' Reporting Attacks and Cyber-Crimes
Invasive Attacks Statistics
Based on report statistics, the most common kind of invasive attack is external attack (42.9%)
December 31, 2022
Source: TWNIC (2022/12)
Cyber-Crimes Incident Statistics
From January to May in 2022, there were 6,265 cases of online crimes, an increase of 10.47% compared to the same period last year. The top 3 cases are Fraud (39.65%), Offense against reputation and credit (15.91%) and Infringement of computer usage (10.36%).
Source:National Police Agency, 《Police Report(week 28 2023)》
Statistics on IPv4/IPv6 Globally
The United States of America has the most IPv4 addreses, China is ranked first in Asia. Taiwan is ranked 26 in IPv6 application in the whole world. (July 31, 2023).
IPv4 (Unit:Ten Thousand) | IPv6 (Unit:/32(296)) | ||
Asia | Taiwan | 3,570 | 2,589 |
China | 34,317 | 64,409 | |
Japan | 19,072 | 10,155 | |
South Korea | 11,250 | 5,276 | |
India | 4,168 | 6,632 | |
Singapore | 2,598 | 1,615 | |
Indonesia | 1,879 | 784 | |
Vietnam | 1,625 | 296 | |
Thailand | 922 | 130 | |
Malaysia | 666 | 160 | |
The Philippines | 668 | 163 | |
Others | United States of America | 161,684 | 73,513 |
United Kingdoms | 12,063 | 22,816 | |
澳洲 | 4,812 | 9,493 |